The number on the ruler that the leftmost part of the mouse is on right now is your cm/360 sensitivity.Now move your mouse horizontally to perform a 360-degree turn of your character in the game, which means your crosshair should be back at the same dot.Place the ruler under the mouse and align its zero with the leftmost part of the mousepad.Place your mouse on the leftmost part of the mousepad, aiming at a specific dot in the game.

Get a ruler! Basically, you want your mouse to travel the same centimeters on the mousepad for a 360-degree turn of the character in every game. Let's break it down step by step. One last crucial thing you can do is simple. Important: Make sure that your FOV is the same number in every game. Play with your DPI settings to find what's comfortable for you.

Theoretically, the higher your resolution, the higher your DPI should be. Extremely high numbers result in the mouse being overly sensitive to the slightest of movements. However, keep in mind that extremely low numbers make the moving image of your screen rather jittery. Anything from 400 to 3000 should be fine. Decide on your mouse's DPI (Dots per Inch) setting.